The Reading Room

Our Study Series for 2024 focuses on the concept of the Presence within. On the first day of each month we will post a new chapter available to read online. Included with each chapter is Supplemental Reading, available as a downloadable PDF, featuring related readings and audio-listening suggestions. This chapter will be available until the last day of the month. Supplemental Reading for this chapter, and for previous chapters, can be accessed by clicking on the tabs below.
July, 2024
Chapter of the Month
Practicing the Presence
To Him That Hath

"The beginning of wisdom is the realization that the kingdom of God is within us and that it must flow out from us."

Joel Goldsmith
Practicing the Presence

This month, we find the key to the age-old issue of supply. Joel writes, “..we must ever look upon ourselves as that center from which God is flowing.”  This fine chapter illuminates how we may become the center through which God operates in our lives, in our communities and in the world.  The principle unfolded in this chapter is one that students or seekers may put into practice no matter where they may be in their specific life experiences or in their state or stage of conscious awareness. “Thy grace is sufficient for my every need—not Thy grace tomorrow, but Thy grace since before Abraham was. Thy grace is my sufficiency unto the end of the world. Thy grace of the past, present, and future is at this very instant my sufficiency in all things."

"Meditation is an invitation for God to speak to us or to make Himself known to us; it is not an attempt to reach God, since God is omnipresent. The Presence already is."

Supplemental Reading
Practicing the Presence
To Him That Hath
These supplements are downloadable PDFs, containing additional reading material intended to support your study of each Chapter of the Month. These Supplemental Reading guides will remain available indefinitely. If you missed a month of study, check the Archives tab for previous month’s guides.

Click on the cover to download the PDF. We invite you to share these Supplemental Reading guides with others!
July, 2024
Supplemental Reading Archives

These supplements are downloadable PDFs, containing additional reading material intended to support your study of each Chapter of the Month. The Supplemental Guides will remain available indefinitely. Click on the cover to download the PDF. We invite you to share these Supplemental Reading guides with others!
June, 2024
May, 2024
April, 2024
March, 2024
February, 2024
January, 2024
Supplemental Guides for Awakening Mystical Consciousness:
December, 2023
November, 2023
October, 2023
September, 2023
August, 2023
July, 2023
June, 2023
May, 2023
April, 2023
March, 2023
February, 2023
January, 2023
Chapter of the Month User Guide
For those who are having difficulty opening or reading the Chapter of the Month, choose the User Guide below that corresponds to your device. Let us know if you have questions that aren't answered here!